In this year’s keynote address at COMMON’s annual POWERUp conference, we got a vision of what IBM i administration and development may look like in 2030. Of course, AI was front and center, but it was far from a sermon on how advanced automation is going to make us all obsolete. In fact, it
3 Takeaways from COMMON POWERUp 2024
We’re always looking for insights into the latest trends in Power Systems technology and how real end users are taking advantage of IBM i. So we went straight to the source. COMMON POWERUp 2024 is the annual gathering of IBM i experts, administrators, developers, and service providers. CloudFirst hit the floor to talk to leading
What is IBM Cloud Direct Connect? Why Does It Matter?
Introduction to IBM Power Systems Cloud Environments
After investing time and money into your IBM Power Systems for years, it’s frustrating to realize that most major cloud platforms aren’t compatible with IBM i series or AIX. It doesn’t just feel like IBM is being left behind—it feels like you are. It’s even more puzzling when you learn that thousands of companies still
Can APIs Revitalize my Cloud IBM i Application?
Cloudfirst’s Getting Ready for IBM i Cloud Migration Guide Featured in IT Jungle
IBM i 7.5 Announcement: The Future of Power Systems
Business owners and IT managers know that a company’s operating system is only as useful as its ability to handle complex business tasks, manage essential resources, and keep mission-critical operations running, while maintaining vital security and protections against costly downtime. When it comes to IBM Power Systems, IBM i has allowed businesses to manage hardware
Securing IBM i When Migrating to the Cloud
Businesses make the decision to migrate their systems to the cloud for numerous reasons. Housing data and apps on the cloud allows them to streamline their operations, it enhances efficiencies, and it takes the burden off of IT teams who monitor systems on-site. Transitioning to the cloud also keeps business costs down.
Network Considerations when Migrating IBM i Systems to the Cloud
Backup vs. DRaaS for IBM i
We can all agree that critical business data needs to be protected against disasters and that unplanned downtimes can be extremely costly. Yet many IT managers are not in agreement about the best backup approach for their IBM Power Systems that are running IBM i. Some believe that traditional methods (such as tape) are still